
APQ Accounting Programs Questionnaire

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This report provides an overview of all participants in the 2023-24 Accounting Programs Questionnaire.
2023-24 BSQ Accounting Programs Questionnaire

The Accounting Programs Questionnaire (APQ) focuses on the accredited accounting units of Ó£ÌÒµ¼º½-accredited schools that maintain the additional supplemental accounting accreditation, above and beyond the standard Ó£ÌÒµ¼º½ accreditation that covers the full business school.

The report includes data pertaining to programs offered by participating schools, featuring the sub-disciplinary fields within the Accounting and Taxation disciplines, enrollments, admissions, and degrees conferred, as well as data pertaining to the faculty employed within the accredited accounting units, and budgetary information specific to them.

Participants (Free)

Non-Participants and Non-Members (300 USD)



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